Sunday, January 8, 2023

UACS Chapter 2 Part 2


During these years, Lin Hao walked through mountains of corpses and seas of blood and escaped from death countless times without shedding a single tear.

At this moment, seeing Qiao Kexin's drenched body in his arms, and seeing her haggard appearance with her eyes tightly closed, tears welled up in Lin Hao's eyes.

 "Sorry, I am late. From now on, I will not let you suffer any more harm. I will make those who have harmed you pay a hundredfold."

 Lin Hao injected a ray of true energy into Qiao Kexin’s body and after confirming that her life was not in danger, he picked her up by the waist, walked out of the factory gate, and put her into a black car parked outside. 

At this moment, a phone rang suddenly; Luosha found the phone from the leader of the kidnappers and handed it to Lin Hao.

Lin Hao pressed the connect button, and a man's urgent voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone.

"Heizi, kill that woman right away, put her in a sack with a stone, and sink her into the Longjiang River. Be quick, don't leave any traces, and don't be discovered by anyone. I don't know who disclosed it, and now a big shot is investigating the kidnapping of that woman... Heizi! Did you hear?”

Hearing these words, Lin Hao's chest was instantly filled with anger. The person on the phone couldn't be clearer, they are planning to tear up the tickets, kill people to silence their mouths, and destroy their corpses to wipe out their traces!

If he came later, he might not even be able to find Qiao Kexin's body.

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