Saturday, January 7, 2023

UACS Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - God of War's Wrath

"Prepare one million within three days, or your wife will be chopped up and fed to the dogs!"

The voice on the phone revealed a vicious tone.

Lin Hao felt puzzled.

He is the commander-in-chief of the legion guarding the northern border of China. He has eight war kings under his command and controls an army of 500,000 soldiers.

He is the Shura God of War who makes the military departments of various countries tremble in fear. From the time he joined the army at the age of 18 till now, he has not even had a girlfriend for eight years.

Where did a wife come from today?

Could it be a telecom scam?

Lin Hao felt dumbfounded. "I'm not even married, did you make a mistake?"

"Don't talk nonsense, your father-in-law owes young master Yang a million dollars. If you don't pay back the money, we will use your wife to pay off the debt. When my brothers have had enough fun with her, we will sell her to the kiln..." 

The other party hung up the phone and sent a photo.

In the photo was a young woman curled up in the corner of a house, her hands tightly bound with rope. Her face was haggard, and her despairing eyes filled with tears.

"It's her!"

Lin Hao's heart skipped a beat.

He recognized at a glance that the woman in the photo was Qiao Kexin.

The woman who has made him feel deep guilt for five years and also, the only woman he owes in his life.

Five years ago, Lin Hao was carrying out a secret mission in Jiangdong Province and was besieged by five sects.

One by one, he beheaded 800 strong men of the sect, their blood staining Cangnan Mountain.

Although he survived, he was seriously injured and eroded by poison. Before he had time to contact the military, he fell on the street of Longjiang City.

At the critical moment, it was Qiao Kexin who rescued him, but Lin Hao had hallucinations due to the poison and defiled her.

After waking up, Lin Hao regretted it unceasingly. It occurred that foreign enemies had invaded China, and the military situation on the northern border was an emergency. He had to return to the military headquarters immediately to stand by.

Before leaving, Lin Hao left Qiao Kexin his phone number and promised to come back to marry her after the war.

Who knew that this battle will last for five years, the foreign barbarians were like maggots on the tarsus, they killed one wave and another wave came.

A month ago, Lin Hao beat the coalition army of the invading countries to their last breath with his unrivalled power until they waved the white flag and begged for a truce.

Lin Hao negotiated thrice with the Alliance Army and won huge compensations for Huaxia by tough means.

Today, The Capital sent the commander-in-chief of the Huaxia Army to fly to the northern border. After signing an armistice agreement with the alliance army, the war will be completely over.

Lin Hao just breathed a sigh of relief, and before he had time to fulfil his promise to Qiao Kexin, he learned that she had been kidnapped.

Protecting the country for eight years, killing tens of thousands of enemies.

His fiancée was kidnapped and tortured!

Lin Hao felt extremely aggrieved and angry.

A monstrous murderous aura erupted from his body, and it permeated the entire barracks in an instant.

Layers of black clouds rolled up in the sky over the Army of the Northern Territory in an instant, and tens of thousands of soldiers around the Chinese army's camp changed their countenance.

"Get the aircraft ready immediately, and head towards Longjiang City! Tell me the location of this phone call within ten minutes. Situ and Luosha will go with me, and the rest of the soldiers will continue to guard the northern border."

Lin Hao issued three orders in succession, then rushed out of the barrack followed by Situ and Luosha.

The military vehicle went straight to the airport. Lin Hao was about to board the plane when he was blocked by several middle-aged officers in military coats.

"Commander-in-chief Lin, where are you going?"

"Go away!" 

Lin Hao roared, not in the mood to explain, nor did he have time to explain.

Those middle-aged officers panicked.

They were ordered to depart from the Capital to prepare for a ceasefire with the enemy's allied forces and at the same time award Lin Hao the title of "Zhenguo Shenshuai".

As soon as they got off the plane, they saw dark clouds rolling in the sky above the northern military headquarters, and a murderous aura was surging straight into the sky.

And in this northern region, there is only one person who can erupt such a terrifying and murderous aura, and that is Shura God of War Lin Hao.

So they had to worry about why Lin Hao came to the airport and where he was flying to.

Among them is Xiao Zhenguo, the commander-in-chief of the Huaxia military department, who can be said to be an existence under one person and above tens of millions in Huaxia country.

He is one level higher than Lin Hao, the commander of the northern army.

To everyone's surprise, Lin Hao did not even give face to Xiao Zhenguo, his superior, and directly told him to get lost.

With this much anger! There is no doubt that there will be a bloody storm where Lin Hao is going.

But this is not what Xiao Zhenguo is most afraid of. What he is most worried about is that Lin Hao only has Situ and Luosha by his side.

If Lin Hao's whereabouts are exposed and known by those overseas with ulterior motives, unpredictable dangers may occur.

Xiao Zhenguo didn't have time to ask Lin Hao why he left the northern border, he just wanted to hold Lin Hao back and let him calm down before making plans.

"The armistice agreement has not been formally signed, and the border situation has not stabilized. As the supreme commander of the Northern Legion, you cannot leave now."

Lin Hao's eyes were red, and he held the handle of the sword in his hand, and his murderous aura erupted again.

"Anyone who stands in my way will be killed without mercy!"

Several officers accompanying Xiao Zhenguo turned pale with shock.

The murderous intent was real, Lin Hao has genuine killing intent towards his superior, he has really lost his mind!

This made Xiao Zhenguo more convinced that Lin Hao must not be allowed to leave now.

"Situ, Luosha. Quickly take down Commander Lin!" Xiao Zhenguo ordered, as the commander-in-chief of the Huaxia Army.

But Situ and Luosha were unmoved, they also held the handle of their swords, and stared coldly at Xiao Zhenguo and the other officers accompanying him.

"Marshal Lin has given the order to kill those who stand in the way!"

"Are you trying to rebel?" Xiao Zhenguo said angrily.

 Situ and Luosha didn't speak but drew their swords out of their sheaths.

The eight war kings under Lin Hao are all brothers who lived and died with him, and they only obey Lin Hao's orders.

Xiao Zhenguo and the others turned pale. They didn't dare to let Lin Hao go, but they didn't dare to stop him either.

They didn't doubt at all, if they continued to block Lin Hao's way, he would definitely kill them.

No one can stop Shura God of War!

Lin Hao exploded with momentum, knocking Xiao Zhenguo aside, and quickly boarded the military plane, followed by Situ and Luosha.

Eight fighter planes took off at the same time to escort Lin Hao.

Amidst the deafening roar, the tail of the fighter jet spewed out blue light cutting through the sky like a sharp sword.


"It's over, something big is going to happen!"

Watching the military plane take off, Xiao Zhenguo sighed helplessly, and then yelled at the officer behind him:

"Go and find out where Marshal Lin is going. Report to the Capital immediately, quick! Quick! Quick..."

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